Mandurah si trova a 74 km sud di Perth.

Port de Mandurah.

Quartier chic du port de Mandurah.

Oiseaux marins : Est-ce des cormorans ?

Les bateaux sont placés directement devant les maisons.
Old Bridge et parc.
Old Bridge Mandurah : le vieux pont traverse l'estuaire.
ARC EN CIEL : après la pluie vient toujours le beau temps !
Parc de jeux pour les jeunes avec le vélo.
Parc de la promenade.
Dolphins-canals-estuary cruises.
Atrium Hotel
Uncle Ho's

Australian Sailing Museum.
Marco Polo Road.
Mur de différentes couleurs.
Sur le trottoir , au centre-ville. Un peu plus loin , il y avait aussi une énorme chaise rouge...
Tente du cirque.

Port de Mandurah.

Romantic , sensual , beautiful ,happy ,
Strong , sweet , fresh , Peace and movement , landscape and architecture .
Strong , sweet , fresh , Peace and movement , landscape and architecture .
Water is life.

is situated on the coast and the Peel-Harvey Estuary.
is situated on the coast and the Peel-Harvey Estuary.
WA 6210
Mandurah is located 74 km to the south of Perth. The Murray Serpentine and Harvey Rivers meet here, forming the vast inland waterway of Peel inlet and the Harvey Estuary. The name of the town is derived from an Aboriginal word `mandjar` meaning trading place. The river and Indian Ocean offer excellent yachting, boating, swimming, water skiing and fishing.